
Membership of the Association is open to any person with Organization Development qualification with good standing in practice.


Any such inducted member shall be entitled to use the title “ODP”. (Organization Development Practitioner) after his/her name.


  • Each new member shall pay a registration fee and the annual subscription payable before such a member is admitted.
  • Each member shall pay an annual subscription determined from time to time by the Association not later than 31st January of every year.
  • Non-payment of annual subscription shall attract penalty as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee.

Membership Register

The Association shall maintain a Register, which shall contain the names of all members.


 There are four categories of members. These are:

  • Student member – any OD student can become a member
  • Associate member – a non-OD-practitioner individual who identifies with the vision of ODPA
  • Member – an individual with OD qualification from an approved institution.
  • Fellow – an individual with not less than ten years’ post-qualification experience; published at least three OD articles or one OD book and known nationally and internationally.

Re-join association

Members in good standing can re-join unless there is an existing executive order to the contrary.